Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Abstinence Ambassador

This morning GMA aired an interview with Bristol Palin (teenage daughter of Gov. Sarah Palin) who had a baby out-of-wedlock recently. Bristol is making a speaking tour promoting sexual abstinence to teenagers! Does anybody, except Bristol, think she is a good spokesperson for abstinence? Why would any teenager follow her advice? Classic “Do as I say, not as I did.” The height of naiveté.


Sean M. said...

Hey, I found an issue on which we agree! I'm betting that she was pressured by someone to make such a speaking tour. Not sure who that would be, but they'd have to be pretty dense too...

KathrynVH said...

I don't know--it could be like a previous drug addict or an alcoholic advising people about the error of their own ways.

Sorry arguing is deeply ingrained. I think it is pretty dumb too, but would you rather hear a message from someone you felt similar too, or someone you couldn't relate to at all. Let's face it--the abstainance message is coming from people a lot more religious than the average teen. It is unrealistic to believe that teens will all be abstinent, but that doesn't make it a bad message.

I will always vote for condoms and birth control for teens with no parental consent required, but that doesn't mean I approve of teens having sex. Abstince is the best policy and that message is a good message, regardless of the source.

Marcel said...

Her Mother should have told her to stay home and take care of her baby.

Anonymous said...

Don’t lose track of the TWO positions….

Shara believes in teaching “abstinence only”

Bristol believes in teaching "abstinence is best”


Gretchen said...

Unwed teen mother advocates for abstinence.

Implanted California beauty pageant queen says gay marriage is unnatural.

Almost makes John Stewart's job too easy.

John Beauregard said...

After I wrote this post I thought about the "scared straight" program where I think convicts and ex-convicts speak to teenagers to describe their experience in jail presumably to scare them into going straight (avoiding a life of crime). I think this is kinda like what you said too. Bristol's message seems to be: Motherhood is a life changing lot of work so you should avoid it preferably via abstinence if possible but via condoms if necessary. Do you know of any evidence that this "scared straight" approach actually works?