Monday, January 15, 2007

Things I Forgot About Cold

Nancy and I went biking at 6:00am this morning. The temperature was 36 degrees and the wind was 10 to 15 mph. Having lived 23 years in Michigan we dressed for the weather. I forgot what it is like to have so many layers of clothes that you can hardly put your arms straight down. I forgot how your toes and fingers first start hurting then eventually go numb. I forgot how much your eyes water and your nose runs until you don't care anymore. I forgot how much your body shakes when it gets too cold. Where's Al Gore when you need him?? We rarely miss our weekly bike ride along the beach but we will think twice next time the temperature is below 40 degrees. We are so thankful to be living in Southern California where weather rarely interferes with our plans but there is a limit what we can tolerate as we get older.


marty said...

Come on people, this isn’t cold; you have to remember back to the winter of ’07. Wait a moment; this is the winter of ’07. I, of course, was sleeping naked on a rock in my back yard. Or was I nestled in my bed covered with six quilts dreaming I was in the yard. Then again, I could have been in the yard dreaming I was in bed.
In any case it was so damned cold I couldn’t even think straight. A line that could be attributed to Richard Simmons.

Monica said...

Well, the Northerners are settling in again on the Florida beaches. They have no qualms about going swimming (heated pool, of course), when none of the permanent residents here would even think about it. Of course, we're not on a schedule, and can wait until the spring.

Marcel said...

I got chills reading that. It was only three years ago that I was playing tennis in weather like that; gloves, wool hat and heavy coat. Now, I accomplish all exercise inside and the comfort factor is wonderful.

Sean M. said...

All this weather is messing me up! After Christmas while I was home, we were experiencing fairly cold weather. Then just a few days later, we were back in the 60s and 70s! Then, just as quickly as we warmed up, it got cold again. Now I am paying for that with a cold I have had for almost a week. Thanks a lot, Mother Nature...