Sunday, February 6, 2011

Love vs Greed

We had a visiting priest celebrating Mass this weekend.  The topic of his sermon was love vs selfish greed. He told a joke to make his point.

A 60 year old couple were walking down the beach when they found a magic bottle.  When they opened the bottle a Genie came out and, as a reward for freeing him, offered each of them a free wish.  After some thought the wife asked for a one year trip around the world for her and her husband.
She was given first class tickets and hotel reservations and $50,000 for meals.
After much thought the husband asked for a wife 20 years younger than himself.
He became 80 years old.

There is no i in love but there is in live.


Marcel said...

Our priest told the same story about two weeks ago. They must read the same manual.

Tim B. said...

The Gospel according to Shecky?