Monday, January 10, 2011

Exploiting Tragedy For Political Gain

Rahm Emanuel stated “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Prominent left wing liberals (including politicians and the lame stream media) are masters of that philosophy. When a deranged individual shoots 19 people and kills at least 6 in Tucson, left wing liberals immediately sprang into action. First they tried to blame the tee party movement, Sarah Palin, talk radio hosts and Fox News accusing them of inciting violence while ignoring the hate speech of the left during the Bush administration. Then they seized on the (crisis) opportunity to advance liberal causes including gun control, radio content control and internet control.

In my view most liberal causes are an affront to liberty rejected by the vast majority of Americans unless scared into submission by phony crises such as uninsured health care, man made global warming, financial meltdown or even the tragedy of a psychotic gunman.

1 comment:

Marcel said...

Now that a few days have gone by and more information is available, many liberals have egg on their faces. The swift condemination in which they engaged has shown those interested that they are extremely eager to push their agenda.