Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bigotry In America

Bigotry is alive and well in America and it’s bilateral. Today 80% of black South Carolina democratic voters voted for Barack Obama but only 21% of white democratic voters voted for him. Even 79% of black women voted for Barack over Hillary. Other than his color, what is it that black voters see in Obama that is not apparent to white voters? Not much I think. Color is the dominant discriminator in BOTH cases. Is this any way to select the potential future leader of the free world?


Anonymous said...

John, I agree with you. I'm not sure what this black/white person is saying, and I do believe black people only see color. Heaven help us if he gets in. There is no depth in what he says. Kinda scary isn't it?

Gretchen said...

So just doing the math, 79% of white democratic voters voted for a white person while only 20% of the black voters did. What is it that white voters see in the white person that the black person doesn't?

John Beauregard said...

My point exactly.

Marcel said...

Can it be that black voters see Hillary exactly for what she is?

EZ Travel said...

You are going to vote for a white guy, but no one is accusing you of "only seeing color."

Maybe, just maybe, black voters (and many others) are looking at the candidates and saying "Here is someone who believes in the same things I do. He is pro-choice, pro-stem cell research, pro-gay marriage, pro-health care for everyone. Maybe I should vote for him."

Now, granted Hillary is all of those things too (and I will vote for her, if she is the nominee) but she comes with a lot of baggage.

An Obama/Edwards ticket would make me very happy.

cheryl said...

her heaviest baggage being Bill

KRISTA said...

I just thank GOD I am a Republican... Democrates did not have much to choose from. That basket was like choosing between a sour grape and a wrotten apple!! Sorry, if I offended anyone!

EZ Travel said...

Boy Krista I was just thinking the same thing, only in the reverse. We democrats have only good candidates (I would be happy with either), but the republicans seem to be sharply divided. With Uncle John and Ann Coulter saying they could defect if McCain wins the nomination, things can't be good in the party right now.

Going into Super Tuesday I had no idea that Huckabee was still alive in this. Of course, Uncle John and Uncle Marcel are my republican bellwethers so I assumed he was done. It seems that southerners only see southerness.

Sean M. said...

Yep yep, Huckabee is big with those evangelical Christians they keep talking about in the news. I should know all about those people, coming from a VERY Baptist and VERY Republican state (Tennessee). Maybe that's why Huckabee got the majority of votes in TN last night??? Not to mention in Georgia, Alabama, and a few others. Not that I care that much, since I voted Democrat......