Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Enough Already!

I really sympathize with the families and friends of the 32 people murdered at Vtech. I cannot imagine how I would feel if this happened to one of our kids while they were in college. Having said that, I am amazed at how the rest of the world came to a complete stand still today. If you watch the evening news by NBC, CBS, and ABC Vtech is the only newsworthy event today. Hard to believe given Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Gonzalez, Imus, global warming, etc. etc. All these items stood down today so that we could focus entirely on Vtech.


Tim B. said...

...not to mention Anna Nicole's baby. OOOPS, just did.

paulette said...

The worst part about them talking all day is there was nothing new to say.

Like Marcel's words to Julia when she told him "In English, I talk only little bit." He said "Then talk only a little bit and then shut up."

EZ Travel said...

This is where having a job comes in handy. Getting my news from the internet I could take as little or as much as I wanted and I could click on other stories (yes, there were a few other stories).

Anonymous said...

And they ran an extra long news hour (preempting Jeopardy) just to expand on what they didn't know.

I find it interesting that just a few days ago the complaint was that the straight news shows were covering Anna Nichol's death. I don't know this first hand, but would bet the hot story on all the Entertainment Tonight type shows was VTech.

I'm also sure Fox, CNBC and CNN went with it hour after hour.

It's not them, it's us.

Remember Pogo, "I have met the enemy, and he is us."

Marty, can't log on.

Aaron said...

it gets pretty sickening to hear about Virginia Tech and that is it. There are a million other more important things. I feel sorry for the victims, but come on, this is not that newsworthy. Every day people are shot in Iraq; the violence in Darfur is constantly growing; poverty claims the lives of children every day. Death is not a big deal. But somehow the educated rich are more important than the millions of people living in poverty, on the brink of death.

Sean M. said...

My only comment will be what I have been told all my life: "If you don't like what's on TV, don't watch."