Monday, November 22, 2010

Youth Liturgy

Last Sunday Nancy and I attended the evening Mass called the youth liturgy. Except for the priest saying the Mass the entire service, including the choir, is conducted by young people of about high school age.The Mass was extremely lively and upbeat.  As I closely observed the faces and actions of the multiracial congregation I became very encouraged with the future of our country.   I was inspired by their devotion, spirit, enthusiasm and self reliance.

I don't believe those kids will become dependent on bloated inefficient government for their livelihood or their health care. I don't believe they will tolerate having over 50% of their income confiscated by bloated, inefficient government for redistribution to greedy deadbeats. I don't believe they will vote for politicians that are ashamed of America and apologize for her perceived grievances. In summary, the future of America is bright with kids like those who I believe will reject the false promises of liberalism.


Marcel said...

Are you sure that you are not confusing reigious zeal with political awareness and knowledge?

John Beauregard said...

No i'm not sure, but I continue to have great hope for the future of the US and for this young generation.