Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pakistan Disaster

Flooding in Pakistan is a terrible natural disaster, worst than Katrina.  Over 20 million Pakistanis are homeless and the US is rightly sending millions of dollars in humanitarian aid.

Pakistan is predominantly a Muslim country and many danced in the street over the news of 9/11. I do not recall Pakistan or any other Muslim country sending humanitarian aid to the victims of Katrina.  The US is seriously in debt to the tune of trillions of dollars that will continue to burden future generations.  We have to borrow from China and other countries to pay for two wars, bloated government, wasteful government programs and, yes, foreign aid including to Pakistan whose majority hate the US.  We are one of the most generous countries in the world yet we are too often denigrated by leaders of other countries and our own President. Go figure!

1 comment:

Marcel said...

I recall that the President said that we would, in the future, have a diminished role in world affairs. It would be a shame if helping others in trouble was one of them.