Thursday, November 19, 2009

Student Protests

Like every blue state and some red states California is broke. Our liberal government has driven California into abject poverty. Today California college students are protesting a potential 32% increase in tuition at the UC system. This is but another example of student naivete and misguidance. Less that 20% of eligible students actually voted in 2008 and those that did, being badly misguided by their liberal professors and Hollywood celebrities, voted predominantly for the most liberal candidates. I have no sympathy for liberal Californians (students or not) who whine about budget cuts yet continue to support the most liberal politicians that are the source of their problems. California is the third highest taxed state in the US. California's budget deficit is caused by liberal over spending not by under taxation. The best days for California are past.


Adrienne said...

and yet, we are under a REPUBLICAN Governor.

Go figure

John Beauregard said...


John Beauregard said...

Liberals are defined by their words and deeds not their political party affiliation.

Marcel said...

Florida governor, Charlie Crist, is going about touting his record of cutting taxes now that he wants to be our senator. The other day I got my car plates, they had a 70% increase from last year. Fees have replaced some taxes. We are not fooled, we now know him as a RINO just as Arnold is one. I will be voting for the conservative, Rubio.

John Beauregard said...

Only 70%! Christ is a piker. Arnold raised our annual car tax by 200%.

Unknown said...

Uncle John, So when are you going to vote with your feet and move?

John Beauregard said...

Please don't confuse my criticism of California politicians with dissatisfaction with California. I am merely exposing the failed policies of liberal politicians and using California as a prime example.

California surly has it's flaws especially for conservatives like us. We seriously explored relocating when I retired in 2003. We spent time in Texas, Florida, Nevada and Arizona but each had their own flaws as great or greater than what we have in California. As California slips deeper into a financial morass so too are all other blue states and many red states. We are optimists and we hope some day California voters will see the fallacy of liberal socialism.