Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fair Tax – NOT!

Yesterday the house passed a bill taxing the AIG bonuses at a 90% rate. This is another example of the government using the tax code to punish (or reward) persons or groups they don’t (or do) like instead of for FUNDING vital public projects. This is why the “Fair Tax” will never be implemented in our or our children’s lifetime. Among other things the tax code is used to get politicians re-elected. The fair tax cannot do that. IDIOTS!!

1 comment:

Marcel said...

Yes, exactly. That is why we do need a Fair Tax so that we can be rid of the bloodsuckers we call legislators.

BTW, at a Fair Tax meeting the other day a clerk from our congressman, Cliff Stearns, mentioned that we may be able to qualify for the same money as ACORN gets. The Florida chapter has obtained accreditation as a 503(I forget the other letters.) Monies donated to it are tax deductable. We are community organizers just as ACORN claims to be.

I signed up to help man the Fair Tax booth at our County Fair to be held in a few weeks. No, I am not doing this for myself, I am doing it because it is the right thing to do.